Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Campus School Reunion!!!

There is going to be a reunion of campus school alumni and staff on Friday July 22; click here for information. It should be a great day for the many people who attended the campus school or worked there.

The campus school, or practice or training school, as it was variously called over the years, has a long history. For those not familiar with it, a campus school was just that, a real school on campus; in it's latter years in the 1940s and '50s it was like a small elementary school. In earlier years it actually ran up through the high school level!

It started in 1867, when the old Collegiate Institute became a state Normal School. The focus of a Normal School was on teacher training, and as part of that it seemed logical to run a small school on campus, where student teachers could practice teaching under the watchful eye of experienced "teacher critics."

Look here for more on the campus school in the days to come, and we hope to see you at the reunion!

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