The family suggest that in lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the George Rich Student Philanthropy Award, SUNY College at Brockport, 350 New Campus Drive, Brockport, N.Y. 14420.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
George Rich '54
The family suggest that in lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the George Rich Student Philanthropy Award, SUNY College at Brockport, 350 New Campus Drive, Brockport, N.Y. 14420.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Boozer & Rogers, Football 1947
Monday, December 5, 2011
Christmas Vespers
Monday, November 28, 2011
The first dedicated dining hall at Brockport
While in earlier years some students, as well as faculty, had roomed in the building where there were kitchen facilities there was never a cafeteria or dining hall as such. After a terrible dorm fire at Fredonia at the turn of the century students no longer lived on campus, and either boarded in town, or commuted from home. So to have a space right in the building where you could get a hot meal on a cold day, or some coffee or tea, and not have to go out to your boarding house, or eat a cold lunch from home, was a real advancement in campus life!
The Stylus article gave credit to Principal (President) Alfred Thompson for encouraging the project and finding some $2,000 to support it, and to the labor of the Phi Alpha Zeta fraternity members who did a lot of the actual work in renovating the space. Mrs. Mabel Good, a local caterer and cook, was put in charge of the cafeteria, and the decorating was overseen by Miss Yale, a popular art teacher at the school.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Herman Burlingame, a faculty biography
In his role as librarian for the Normal School he helped expand a small book collection into more of a real library, building one of the larger libraries among New York Normal Schools. This and the reading room he established were forerunners of today's Drake Library.
A popular teacher and colleague, he appears to be have had the unfortunate distinction of being the first serving faculty member to die (1891) while still on the staff. His death was widely mourned in both the campus and village communities, and a special memorial booklet was published by his colleages, who observed of Professor Burlingame that he was:
"...always genial and courteous, ready to lend a helping hand whenever needed, constant and faithful in his work. He commanded our respect by his ability as an instructor and his manly Christian character, and we never failed to find in him a steadfast and symapthizing friend, while his cheerful patience and fortitude during these last months have made him still more dear to us."
Thursday, October 27, 2011
A Spanish American War Nurse
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Brockport honors its veterans
The archives does has some information on those who served in earlier wars, but increasingly little with the Korean War and up to the present. If you know the names of any who served please let the college archivist know (; he is trying to put together as comprehensive a list as possible of Brockport students, staff and alumni who served.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Tea Anyone?
Thursday, October 6, 2011
In the archives, or, discovering Rosetta May Pledger '02
The last name was hard to make out, and getting curious I looked her up in a 1917 book which is a history of the school to that point and a register of alumni. There for 1902 was a Rosetta May Pledger, undoubtedly the same student as in the class photo shown here. Not much more about her is in the record at a brief glance, except that in that 1917 book she was listed as a Mrs. F.C. Hill and living in Adams Basin. Presumably she taught school after graduation, as most of our graduates did then, and then married at some point.
She was a grad of the old Normal School in the days before WWI, long before the Teachers College of the 1940s or today's College at Brockport. But there were good teachers then, as now, and students had social activities to enjoy as well, just like today. The year Rose graduated actually was the first year for Color Day, a spring event that quickly became a popular event with both the college community and that of the village.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
"Library Cracks Down on Delinquents"
Please note that in today's more enlightened era, library overdue fines have been eliminated ;-)
Thursday, September 8, 2011
"Returning Home, 1961:" Guys and Dolls Continued...
Below is a great photo Andy Nazzaro, a member of the troup, shared with the archives of some of the students who performed on the 1961 European tour of this Brockport College theater production. The students who went on the trip were as follows, according to a news article of the day. Please advise the archivist, Charlie Cowling ( of any corrections or additions. Help identifying the people in the photo below would be great too! So far I know that the student in the second row on the right is Bert Mann.
Friday, September 2, 2011
"Guys and Dolls," the 1961 European Tour
Yes, that's right, in the fall of 1961 a group of Brockport students took their production of Damon Runyon's "Guys and Dolls" on the road - in Europe! The original Brockport production had been in 1960, and in 1961 the college was invited to select a group of student performers who would take the show on the road in Europe to American military bases under the auspices of the USO.
The college accepted the invitation and Professor Louis Hetler, Director of Theater at Brockport, took charge of the trip. Due to Defense Department rules on group travel, the original cast number had to be reduced to sixteen actors, the faculty director and a student pianist. The sets had to be made such that they would be transportable in footlockers, and many other hurdles had to be overcome.
The group set out October 9, 1961, for a seven week tour. They played for American service men and women at a number of military bases, and were able themselves to take in some of the culture of Germany and France. They also experienced some Cold War tensions, their bus being held up for over an hour at the infamous "Check Point Charlie" in Berlin, which was split at the time between the Russians and other former Allies.
Your archivist would love to hear from anyone who went on this trip, who might have stories to tell and photographs to share! Contact Charlie Cowling at or call him at 585-395-5667.
The college accepted the invitation and Professor Louis Hetler, Director of Theater at Brockport, took charge of the trip. Due to Defense Department rules on group travel, the original cast number had to be reduced to sixteen actors, the faculty director and a student pianist. The sets had to be made such that they would be transportable in footlockers, and many other hurdles had to be overcome.
The group set out October 9, 1961, for a seven week tour. They played for American service men and women at a number of military bases, and were able themselves to take in some of the culture of Germany and France. They also experienced some Cold War tensions, their bus being held up for over an hour at the infamous "Check Point Charlie" in Berlin, which was split at the time between the Russians and other former Allies.
Your archivist would love to hear from anyone who went on this trip, who might have stories to tell and photographs to share! Contact Charlie Cowling at or call him at 585-395-5667.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Freshman Year, 1942-1943
This blog mentioned earlier that we have a scrapbook that was made by Betty Evershed (Weidel) '46. Below is Betty along with the rest of "Section D" of the freshmen class that year. (She is in the second row, second from left.) It was a bigger class than the previous few years with more than one hundred students entering that fall. (Which seems very small by today's standards, with our freshman classes running 900 or so, but not nearly as many people went to college then, and schools like Brockport were much smaller than today.) Some of the events they had to look forward to were Orientation Day, a Bonfire and Rally in the "Village Park," Juniors in Charge, an All-College Sing, and an All-College Mixer in the gym, Seniors in Charge.
Sounds like fun doesn't it? :-)
Sounds like fun doesn't it? :-)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Freshman Hazing
College students of today associate hazing with Greek letter societies, but in years past hazing of freshman by the upper classmen was a common thing in college life. Usually the hazing was a set period, a week or two at the beginning of school, and was intended as a sort of fun welcome and ice breaker for new students. The practice was carried on at Brockport from at least the 1920s up into the mid 1960s. Here are the "Freshman Ten Commandments" from the 1929 Saga Yearbook:
- Thous shalt only use the basement door.
- Thous shalt learn all verses of the Alma Mater.
- Thou shalt greet all upper classmen.
- Thou shalt use no cosmetics.
- Thou shalt carry a washcloth - wet.
- Thou shalt wear a large sheet of white drawing paper with a large green question mark six inches high and thy full name written across the bottom. These shall be worn about thy gawky necks.
- Thou shalt, oh ye dogs of the male species, adorn thy stretchy necks with winged collars.
- Thou shalt show thyself in knickers above thy knees to disclose thy ugly calves.
- Thou shalt adorn thyselves with such decorations as a large green tie beneath thy baby chin.
- Thou shalt obey all said commandments until 7:30 P.M. October 2.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Lost wedding ring mystery
A wedding ring, plain gold, probably a man's ring by the size, with an inscription of "N.S. to W.M., 8/2/1958" was found a few years ago in the college fitness center. The director of the center has tried other avenues of tracking down the owner of the ring with no success, and has contacted your blogger, who is the college archivist, to try to find the owner of the ring. If these initials or date remind of you of someone or you have information about the ownership of this ring please contact Charlie Cowling at
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Betty Evershed Weidel '46
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Mary Jo Gigliotti, college archivist retiring
Although Mary Jo will be moving into a new chapter of her life, the archives will still be taken care of and made accessible by Charlie Cowling. He was the college archivist many years ago and welcomes the opportunity to once again work with the rich heritage of the college. Charlie's email is, or you can phone him at 585-395-5667.
Monday, July 25, 2011
What a turnout for the Campus School Reunion!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Rod & Gun Club?
Friday, July 8, 2011
"Here... '50"
"From left to right, seated, is Joan De Witt, a product of Rochester's No. 33 grammar school and East High. A member of the Newman Club and the Student faculty Association, she plans to teach in the intermediate grades... Her master purpose in life is to marry and have her own home.
Seated on the steps, William Oakes. Hometown, Lockport, where he was active in Boy Scout work, basketball and football. 'Bill' was in WWII from 1943-1947. As a sailor he participated in the atomic bomb test at Bikini Island. He is married, and his ambition is to become the first Brockport graduate to become a Boy Scout executive.
Standing, Sam Platania, came to Brockport from Niagara Falls. A member of the Dramatics Club, and Track program... During WWII he was in the Amphibious Infantry, over seas in the Aleutians, Guadacanal, New Britain... Has six battle stars and one arrowhead for four assault landings on enemy shores. Student think he looks like Robert Mitchum.
In striped dress, Adrienne Codella, from Mamaroneck NY where she starred in band and glee club. She will graduate in 1950 from Brockport where she has been active in Music and Dramatics. She wishes to teach in Rochester NY.
Seated at far right, Barbara Flammer, from Wellsville NY. Barbara has been active in intramural sports and the Dramatics Club. She sees teaching as a pathway to social work and hopes to enter that field."
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
You are here; or were, in 1934...
Friday, July 1, 2011
Campus School & student teaching ca1930
"Who does not recall those first days of anxious waiting... after the Director of Training's announcement that teaching assignments would soon be posted? ... Many a weary hour we spent with Preparations, General Aims and Thought Questions, only to have a kindly but merciless critic (note - the "teacher critics" were professional teachers who both taught the children in the campus school and supervised the student teachers) calmly destroy our work of art...
Do you remember how easily the critic elicited responses from the pupils during those first days, and how nicely and quietly those pupils behaved? And then the storm burst! We attempted to teach from that first Lesson Plan... We all had our First days, our trials, our pupil problems...
Then came the Day of days, when we were admitted to that Sanctum Sanctorum, Mr. Cooper's office, for general criticism. How we secretly trembled as he slowly swung around in his chair and emitted a gruff, 'Well, what do you want?' But then, we found out that behind that gruffness he concealed as kindly, sympathetic and inspiring a personality as could be desired by anyone..."
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Why is this thus?
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Campus School Reunion!!!
There is going to be a reunion of campus school alumni and staff on Friday July 22; click here for information. It should be a great day for the many people who attended the campus school or worked there.
The campus school, or practice or training school, as it was variously called over the years, has a long history. For those not familiar with it, a campus school was just that, a real school on campus; in it's latter years in the 1940s and '50s it was like a small elementary school. In earlier years it actually ran up through the high school level!
It started in 1867, when the old Collegiate Institute became a state Normal School. The focus of a Normal School was on teacher training, and as part of that it seemed logical to run a small school on campus, where student teachers could practice teaching under the watchful eye of experienced "teacher critics."
Look here for more on the campus school in the days to come, and we hope to see you at the reunion!
The campus school, or practice or training school, as it was variously called over the years, has a long history. For those not familiar with it, a campus school was just that, a real school on campus; in it's latter years in the 1940s and '50s it was like a small elementary school. In earlier years it actually ran up through the high school level!
It started in 1867, when the old Collegiate Institute became a state Normal School. The focus of a Normal School was on teacher training, and as part of that it seemed logical to run a small school on campus, where student teachers could practice teaching under the watchful eye of experienced "teacher critics."
Look here for more on the campus school in the days to come, and we hope to see you at the reunion!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Whiskers, the college dog
In the March 1924 Stylus there is the following entry about a dog who was part of campus life then. Unfortunately there is no accompanying photo of Whiskers, but included here is a photo of another "English Sheep Hound..."
"Who is 'Whiskers?' That question may be answered by almost any student in B.N.S. For this English Sheep-hound is perhaps one of the most popular dogs in town. With his long, gray and white hair (usually a little soiled) he makes a very striking picture... To see this dog with his intelligent nods and gestures when one comes into the Normal cloak room after a weary and monotonous class, relieves the strain and tension of the nerves. He is always willing to shake hands although once in awhile they are not manicured. But he doesn't mind such trifles.
His parking place is generally in the Normal cloakracks, but occasionally he strolls about the classrooms and corridors to look things over and see that everything is in order.
Some members of the faculty have had the hardness of heart (and I might say possibly the nerve) to put this innocent little canine out of our school life, but up to this time they have not succeeded.
"Whiskers" shall wear no man's collar. He has a perfectly good one of his own. He is 100% for the students. Long live the king of dogs!"
Jessica Michaels
His parking place is generally in the Normal cloakracks, but occasionally he strolls about the classrooms and corridors to look things over and see that everything is in order.
Some members of the faculty have had the hardness of heart (and I might say possibly the nerve) to put this innocent little canine out of our school life, but up to this time they have not succeeded.
"Whiskers" shall wear no man's collar. He has a perfectly good one of his own. He is 100% for the students. Long live the king of dogs!"
Jessica Michaels
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Researching Brockport: the Stylus & Normalia Index
An excellent resource for researching Brockport's past is the online index for two student publications, the Normalia and the Stylus. The Stylus is the student newspaper many have known over the years; the Normalia the predecessor to the Stylus. The index covers these two publications from 1900-2008, offering access to over 100 years of the college's history! (Please note that this is indeed an "index:" that is you enter your search, then you get results showing what dates and pages have articles on the topic at hand. To get the actual Stylus article go to our microfilm collection on the ground floor; the Normalia was never microfilmed and is available in the college archives.)
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Pre 1928 Stylus online, plus much more!
There is a regional cooperative venture that hosts digitized collections from a number of area archives and museums online called the FLAG Heritage Site. Among the institutions taking part are the archives here at SUNY Brockport. There's lots of great material added already by archivist Mary Jo Gigliotti, including scans of some student publications from the early 20th century, the Normalia and its successor, the Stylus, covering 1900-1928. There are also photos of the campus in various periods and much more. Have a look sometime!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Freshman Hazing
Nowadays hazing is something people associate with fraternities and sororities, but for many years hazing of freshman by the upperclassmen was an accepted part of academic life at most colleges, including Brockport. It was felt to be a fun way to introduce students to the life of the school, help break the ice and so forth. Accounts of it at Brockport go back as early as the 1920s, and it continued into the 1960s.
The photo here is from the freshman hazing of 1962, outside Lathrop, which was the student union then. According to the Stylus article this photo accompanied, "Freshman Hazing" was also known as "Student Disorientation Week!" The week included various events and rituals, for example a Kangaroo Court, and special hats for the freshman, the "beanies."
As the Stylus related it, "Answering to the gleeful calls of 'Button Frosh,' and 'Ellsworth Frosh,' this year's crop of smiling freshman got down on their knees, bowed towards the town's telephone tower, pushed pencils along the sidewalk, sang frosh-praising songs..."
There were dances too, including a "Get Acquainted Dance" at which a freshman girl won the Limbo dance contest!
As the Stylus related it, "Answering to the gleeful calls of 'Button Frosh,' and 'Ellsworth Frosh,' this year's crop of smiling freshman got down on their knees, bowed towards the town's telephone tower, pushed pencils along the sidewalk, sang frosh-praising songs..."
There were dances too, including a "Get Acquainted Dance" at which a freshman girl won the Limbo dance contest!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Glass plate negatives revived!
You can view and download scans of the collection that Mary Jo has posted on a regional historical site, just click here. If you have any information on persons or places depicted in the photos please share with us at Pictured here is one of the photo scans, the girl's basketball team at Brockport in 1906.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Daisy Chain & Class Day
The daisy chain processional seems to have started at Brockport in the late 1920s, and ran up into the early 1960s, at which time a growing class size and changing attitudes saw the tradition end. The photo here is from the late 1950s, from slides in the Peg Hare Browne collection. Peg was a Brockport grad ('44) and then a campus school teacher for many years.
While the daisy chain died out here, it is still done at some colleges - perhaps something to revive at Brockport? :-)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The "teachers college" library
Time moves on, and the library did as well as the college. In 1942 after a long campaign Brockport became a Teachers College, meaning that it began awarding the Bachelor's degree. (As a "Normal School," our graduates received certificates to teach in the public schools; many of their credits could transfer to further schooling if they wished.)
The library had occupied a set of rooms in the old Normal School building, and had a similar position in the new building erected in the late 1930s, occupying a set of rooms on the second floor, in the middle of what we now call Hartwell Hall. (Pictured here is a scene of students studying there in 1946.)
Like today's library, there was a reference collection of encyclopedias and dictionaries, books on diverse topics that could be checked out, a children's literature collection and so forth. Starting in 1924 we had our first librarian with professional training, Elizabeth Sherley, who had gone to the New York State Library School in Albany. Librarian Mary Lee McCrory succeeded Sherley in 1938 and a second librarian, Rosemond Cook, was added in 1941.
After WWII, as the school experienced tremendous growth in student numbers, expansion of the curriculum and so on the need for a separate building for the library became increasingly obvious. One staff member, senior cataloger Joyce Ogden who retired in the early 1990s, recalled that when she started in 1958 the library was still in Hartwell Hall, and the staff desk seating was so limited that staff had to share desks in rotation; there just wasn't room for them all to be present and working at any one time!
Finally in 1961 the first building on campus designed expressly as a library building was erected, but that is for the next posting :-)
Like today's library, there was a reference collection of encyclopedias and dictionaries, books on diverse topics that could be checked out, a children's literature collection and so forth. Starting in 1924 we had our first librarian with professional training, Elizabeth Sherley, who had gone to the New York State Library School in Albany. Librarian Mary Lee McCrory succeeded Sherley in 1938 and a second librarian, Rosemond Cook, was added in 1941.
After WWII, as the school experienced tremendous growth in student numbers, expansion of the curriculum and so on the need for a separate building for the library became increasingly obvious. One staff member, senior cataloger Joyce Ogden who retired in the early 1990s, recalled that when she started in 1958 the library was still in Hartwell Hall, and the staff desk seating was so limited that staff had to share desks in rotation; there just wasn't room for them all to be present and working at any one time!
Finally in 1961 the first building on campus designed expressly as a library building was erected, but that is for the next posting :-)
Monday, April 4, 2011
The library in the 1890s
As time went on in the Normal era expectations for research by students and faculty increased, leading to greater demand for library resources. For some time funds were limited, and the need was met by two of the Greek letter societies of the day, Gamma Sigma for men and Arethusa for women. They maintained a small library of several hundred books each, housed in the rooms given to the use of the societies in the building at that time.
For much of the 19th century the library was maintained by one of the faculty as part of their duties, William Lennon and then Herman Burlingame doing this until the early 1890s. During the time Burlingame was overseeing the library it acquired a set of rooms of it' own, rather than simply being a set of shelves in one of the rooms.
(The photos are from the first yearbook, a one time effort in 1899. Some years later the early Stylus ran an annual yearbook issue ca1916-1928. After that the student yearbook was the Saga, which ceased being published in the 1990s.)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
The library, ca1840
In the early days, Brockport was a "Collegiate Institute," or a sort of cross between a modern high school and four year college. The curriculum had several areas of interest, including teacher training, classical education and more modern studies of science and contemporary languages.
In those days the school and the library were smaller. There was just the one building, which stood where Hartwell Hall is now, and the library was a set of rooms in the building. (This was true for many years: the first building dedicated for library was Drake I, what is today Rakov, built in 1961.)
The library in the early days had a small collection, and in addition to books and a few periodical subscriptions it housed the "philosophical apparatus," or the modest lab equipment of the day.
In those years the library was overseen by the principal, or one of the faculty. The earliest record we have for the collection is an accession book from 1853 which lists some 600 books, about 40 or so periodical subscriptions and the "apparatus." We still have a few of those books today in a rare book collection, for example the one whose book plate is shown here, Lincoln's Lectures on Botany from 1835. If you look closely at the book plate you will see the limited hours the library was open then, nothing like the library of today!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Vietnam Era
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Rockefeller & SUNY
But when it comes to SUNY, which was established in 1948 when Thomas Dewey was governor, Nelson Rockefeller was truly a pivotal figure. Governor from 1959-1973, he invested enormous sums of money and political capitol into the building of a substantial system of public higher education for New York. For example, in 1959 Brockport, although expanded from earlier years, was still a fairly small school of perhaps a 1,000 or so students, mainly centered on Hartwell Hall, although a few new buildings, like Morgan, had been erected in the '50s. When Rockefeller's time as governor ended in 1973 Brockport had a student body of 10,000 or more, the curriculum had expanded from that of a teacher's college to that of a comprehensive liberal arts school and the campus that we know today was largely finished.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Ira Schwartz
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Registration, or, Crushed in the Gymnasium
Twice a year, fall and spring, you went to the gymn to register. There would be many tables set up for representatives of the different departments and for the registration staff. Along with what was typically quite a crowd of other students, you milled about, searching for the departments you wanted, waiting in lines to get the right cards, so you could then search for the proper line to the registration table where, hopefully, all your paperwork would match up and you could register. Then, a deep sigh of relief you walked out, knowing however that next semester you'd need to do it all over again. Gee, kids have it easy nowadays ;-)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Power of SUNY - the history
The 1949 launch of SUNY marked a shift towards a much more robust higher education system, and one that offered opportunity to many potential students who could not have afforded a private school education, and who perhaps would not have been accepted in the private schools of that day, which were not always welcoming of diversity.
Friday, January 14, 2011
That JFK library has nothing on us ;-)
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
"X" marks the spot
We will continue to post here about the history of our school, and there will be more campus events taking place as well as the college continues its celebration of this anniversary in 2011. Please do let us know of any aspects of the college history you would like to hear more about! Place a comment here, or email
(Shown here is a portion of a "plat" map, a map which shows the properties and names of owners in a given area. You will see properties and houses on the edge of what is now all part of Hartwell Hall's lawn. We have an 1872 and a 1902 plat map book for Monroe County in our local history collections.)
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